Secret Caravan Safe House at Quinta de Guadalupe Church in San Diego


Patriot Fire


Published on Feb 21, 2019

Technically, these people are here legally, because they passed a credible fear interview and they were given papers that say they have legal status for one year, the time limit allowed for filing for asylum. They have minors with them, because the Flores agreement requires them to be released from detainment after only 20 days when a minor is involved. A minor here is anyone under 21.

However, according to DHS, past experience shows that 90% will never be granted asylum status by a court. About half of them disappear without filing at all and the rest file, but are denied by the court. So, I makes you think most are not serious about obtaining asylum, but just gaming the system to bypass the immigration law, gain easy entry into the US and live here illegally.

These pseudo-refugees are coming every day, not just when there is a big caravan. I call them all caravaners, some just come in smaller caravans than others. The progressive organizations that take care of them say they processed 4,500 in about two months at the end of last year just in San Diego and this is just a part of those who crossed.

This site was found by Ricky Tailor in Mid-January, 2018

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