City Council Approves Brown Supremacist Museum Lease for Chicano Park


Patriot Fire


Published on Aug 9, 2018

The San Diego City Council approved a very, low-cost lease for a new, brown-supremacist museum for Chicano Park, which is becoming well-known as the most anti-American park in the entire nation. It seems $600K has also been allocated in next year's budget for restoration of the building. Council members turned a blind eye to the park's ultra-left political and mestizo-racial-nationalist theme. They also the discrimination at the park and surrounding area against other citizens, who are merely critical of the park or just don't fit in, according to the park supporters political, ethnic and racial requirements. From the beginning, Chicano Park has always been based on lies. In the months and years to come, we will continue to chip away at this false narrative until the truth is widely known and accepted.

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