Weekends with Peter: Who is Behind the U.S. Election | Rally Held by the People of Taiwan


China Observer - Vision Times


Published on Dec 25, 2020

Today, we’ll take a look at the possible relationship between the U.S. election and the Chinese Communist Party.
Also on the 20th, President Trump sent out a very brief tweet saying that martial law equals fake news, and it looks like he denied ever considering martial law. Why did he tweet this?
Now, it’s worth noting that there was one specific person present at this 4 1/2 hour-long White House meeting: Patrick Byrne (burn). Byrne also tweeted on Dec. 20th to help President Trump dispel the rumors, saying that the meeting 100% did not talk about military control or martial law. Let us take a look at the background of Mr. Byrne. He was the former CEO of Overstock, and his team has been working on investigating Dominion voting system since the US midterm elections in 2018. He pointed the finger at the Chinese Communist Party, saying that the election fraud is the secret "assassin’s mace” that U.S. national security has been trying to figure out for so long, and is said to be able to take out the United States with one stroke.
As we know, the Dominion voting system is closely tied to the Chinese Communist Party, and our channel has two videos on it that you can check out if you’re interested.
The mainstream media reports that Russia was the one that hacked several U.S. government agencies and major corporations. Regarding this, the Trump team has remained silent until a few days ago, on Dec. 19th, when Trump refuted by tweeting: "The Cyber Hack is far greater in the Fake News Media than in actuality," and that he has been fully briefed and everything is well under control. He also criticized the media for ignoring China as a possible origin of the hack.
General Flynn told on Sunday that “There are foreign partners and allies that are willing to help us,” and that “we are in an information war,” the main perpetrator “is China,” and the CCP are “masters at it.”
On the morning of Friday, December 18th, Pentagon halts all transitional activities with the Biden team on the order of Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. The intelligence front may be the one thread that can tie together all the confusing events of recent days. Could the shadow of the Chinese Communist Party be hiding in the mix?
In the Trump team, American attorney Lin Wood posted a long article late Sunday night discussing how the Chinese Communist Party may be infiltrating and even controlling the United States.
Lastly, let's take a look at the "Fight for Trump" rally held by the people of Taiwan on December 19th.

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